

Welcome to my lifestyle blog! I am excited to share my unique finds with all of you!  Hope you enjoy your stay!

Back to School Items for Kids!

Back to School Items for Kids!

Here are some options if your child is doing remote learning or in school! Just trying to stay some what organized. (affiliate links)



These containers are great! I plan to use the plastic ones for their masks when they come home from school, so I can wash. Keep the plastic container next to the washing machine to make it easy. Then use the basket for their clean masks. It’s nice to have a different compartment for each child so they don’t get mixed up.

Love the storage bin with files for their school work that comes home or after they are done while at their desk. I just label each file folder by subject so the kids can drop their work right in.

I plan to use the white boards to keep track of their afternoon schedules, because that is when my kiddos will be e-learning.

Clear pouch for their hand sanitizer and extra masks for school.

Summer Style!

Summer Style!

Summer Style!

Summer Style!