

Welcome to my lifestyle blog! I am excited to share my unique finds with all of you!  Hope you enjoy your stay!

Husk Restaurant Nashville, TN

Husk Restaurant Nashville, TN

If you are heading to Nashville, even if you only have 24 hours like we did, be sure to book your reservation at Husk. The experience was amazing from the moment we stepped out of the car. The charming local restaurant nestled on a quiet street offered much to take in. You feel as though you are walking into your own historic home surrounded by a private garden. Where you might find your chef picking the local produce for today’s meal. The door opens and the charm continues with it’s unique ambiance, stunning chandeliers and windows that overlook the garden. It makes you think and wonder and wish why each and every restaurant cannot offer this facinating experience. 


Fried Chicken-Husk Restaurant

Fried Chicken-Husk Restaurant

Blue and White is just right!

Blue and White is just right!